Carlo Petrini

The future of food between sustainability and education

Sala Dantesca | 02 July 2024 | at 6:00 PM

Via Sancti Romualdi 2024
Carlo Petrini
The future of food between sustainability and education

in collaboration with Associazione Romagna-Camaldoli

«Food is no longer nourishment and therapy. Rather, it makes our bodies sick through bad habits that favour quantity over quality. It makes our souls sick because it triggers severe social injustice. And it makes the planet sick because it is one of the biggest contributors to the climate crisis, for which it will pay a very high price.» “Carlin” Petrini is very determined, and has been so for some time. Activist, writer and gastronome, Petrini is the founder of the Slow Food movement (now in its 40th year) and of the first University of Gastronomic Sciences. Once again, he has turned his attention to food, insisting on the need for nutritional education through proper schooling: an invaluable tool for achieving the more sustainable future that the new generations are already demanding.