ANOHNI and the Johnsons

It's time to feel what's really happening

Palazzo Mauro De André | from 9 december

Jimmy Hogarth, Leo Abrahams, Chris Vatalaro, Gael Rakotondrabe,
Sam Dixon, as well as Julia Kent, Max Moston, Doug Wiselman and Mazz Swift from NYC

in esclusiva per l’Italia

For the first time in a decade, ANOHNI presents a series of concerts with the Johnsons and, responding to a time of upheaval, issues a challenge: It’s Time to Feel What’s Really Happening. Since the foundation of the band, in 1998 ANOHNI ha established a unique path as an artist with a focus on animist and eco-feminist themes: her musical journey has spanned genres – from electronic experimental to avant-classical, dance, and soul. After breakthrough success, ANOHNI achieved a nomination for an Academy Award (best song) for the environmentalist elegy Manta Ray. The artist reaches for courage, resilience, and ceremony in the face of an unprecedented contemporary landscape, and emphasizes: «for me, there’s no heavenly respite; Creation is a spectral and feminine continuum, and we remain an inalienable part of Nature».